Each Books in Boxes set consists of 35 copies of one title packed in a box and is checked out as a unit. These sets are perfect for teachers, who would like multiple copies of the same book so that each student may have his/her own book to read independently.
Here are the lists of the current titles that we have in book sets:
Available Titles
- Title List
- Author List
- AR Level
- Lexile Level
- Grade Interest Level
- Sets by Subject
- List of Subject Headings
Reservation Procedures
- A Books in Boxes set can be checked out for up to 6 weeks by making arrangements with the Children’s Library in person or by telephone at 330-643-9050. Booking is done only by the Children's Library, so that we can schedule sets in advance.
- The sets are in high demand so please plan ahead. Check your school vacation dates, and please be flexible in your choice of titles, dates, and length of loan period.
- The sets can be picked up and returned at Main Library or any of the 18 branches.
- There will be a limit of 8 titles processed per request, unless mailed or emailed. (Call for the email address.) Teachers can check out up to 4 sets at a time.
- We are sorry that we are unable to book sets on Sunday or during the last 1/2 hour before closing, as it is a time consuming procedure.
- If it looks like you will need to keep a set past its due date, please contact the Children’s Library to extend the due date and to make sure there isn’t another teacher waiting for the set.