
We are pleased to offer a Seed Sharing Library at the Akron-Summit County Public Library. This project makes locally appropriate heirloom seeds available to local gardeners, community volunteers, children and library patrons. Share your garden plans or photos of seedlings and plants on Facebook and Instagram with #akronseedsharinglibrary.

Not sure how to get started? Try one of the following:

Step 1: Choosing Seeds

Our seeds are organized by the common name of the plant type (Beans, Carrots, Peas, etc.) Seeds are arranged alphabetically by their common name, then alphabetically by variety. For example: Cucumber – Marketmore 76

Simply select some seeds of plants you are interested in growing. You may wish to consult the seed packet copies and printed articles, as well as the books in our collection for planting details and suggestions of easy-to-grow varieties.

Step 2: Borrowing Seeds

Once you have identified the seeds you’d like to grow, simply fill out a form and turn it in to the Business, Government & Science desk. Please choose no more than 6 varieties to borrow at one time, and don’t forget to include your zip code. You may also include your name and e-mail address if you’d like us to contact you about future events and programs related to gardening and seed saving.

Each seed packet contains enough seed to start 3-5 plants.

Step 3: Get Growing!

Plant your seeds and enjoy your garden. We have a wealth of books on gardening for all sizes and types of gardens if you need information or inspiration, and the BGS staff is always happy to help you locate books or other gardening information.

Step 4: Saving Seeds

We offer programs in the late summer on seed processing and storage. You can also take a look at some of our books on saving and storing seeds or these excellent resources provided by Seed Savers Exchange:

Step 5: Sharing Seeds

Once you've saved seeds from your plants, bring some of your labeled seeds back to the library to perpetuate our collection and assure a variety of choices for next year’s crops. Please be sure seeds are completely dry and are packaged (zip-lock bags are ideal) and labeled for the variety and the year harvested. Seed donations are encouraged, but not required.


Our Mission: The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life.